Thursday, February 19, 2009

Cameron Diaz - Personal life part 1

Diaz has publicly admitted that she has obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), is deeply germophobic, and habitually rubs doorknobs so hard before opening doors to clean them that the original paint fades afterwards. She says she washes her hands and floors "many times" each day and uses her elbows to push open doors.
Diaz commented on her progress with the disorder on May 10, 2007, saying, "I think I've made my peace with it".
Diaz received "substantial" defamation damages from suing American Media Incoporated,
after The National Enquirer had claimed she was cheating on then-boyfriend Timberlake.
Diaz also sued successfully to stop the publication of bondage-themed nude photos taken of her before she became famous.